A new trial date has been scheduled for March 10, 2025. Originally the case was to be heard in the 27th District Court under Judge John Gauntt, but now it has been moved to the 478th District Court and will be presided over by Judge Wade Faulkner.
During the bond reduction hearing which took place on November 25, 2024; Judge Faulkner, off record, spoke to the prosecutor and explicitly demanded that this case go forward on March 10, 2025 without any further continuances or excuses.
I look forward to that date with calm anticipation and resolve. This mockery of justice, which I have endured with as much tact and patience as I could muster, has gone on for far too long. To now know for certain that it will not be dragged out any further is a huge relief.
Needless to say; I obviously don’t know the ultimate outcome of this case and I can only pray that those given the responsibility of deciding it pay very close attention to the arguments and evidence which are presented from both sides before reaching a verdict.